Sunday, January 5, 2020


Hello, all!

I'm so grateful to the eight people who have verified their email subscriptions! Start reading The Comedy of Errors by the magnificent William Shakespeare as you are able. The first post of my initial reflections will be late this week. You are invited to share your own reflections in the comments of each post.

Civil discourse--including disagreements--will be welcome. Rudeness, however, will not be tolerated. My corner of the interwebs is a pleasant, welcoming, inclusive, and civil place! Trolls will be banished.

I'm feeling my way forward with this project and would appreciate any suggestions for making it more interactive and easier to stick with. Please comment on this post if you have constructive ideas. I want The Canon Resurrected to be as flexible and user-friendly as possible. We all have busy schedules and lots of commitments, but the Canon does deserve our attention!

For now, here's the plan, as far as it goes (which isn't far, admittedly!), and some questions.

1. Weekly posts to this blog about my thoughts on the reading as I've worked through it so far, with an end-of-month summary.

2. A Facebook page might make conversation easier than the comments on a blog. What do you think? At the least, I can post to a FB page so people who don't subscribe via email or blog readers can see new posts. We could make the FB page private to keep out trolls and literary snobs. :-)

3. Do you want a reading schedule or do you want to have a deadline (perhaps 3/4 through each month, with a week of conversation and sharing at the end of each month)?

Again, many thanks for joining me on my little canon crusade! Please let me know your thoughts.

"I would not wish / Any companion[s] in the world but you."



  1. Weekly blog posts would be appreciated. In terms of schedule it seems like the 3/4 through the month with the last week for conversation and sharing is pretty straightforward. I don't want this project to be more labor intensive for you but if you decide to include a Facebook page, I agree it should be private.

    1. Thanks, Mary! I'm so glad you've joined us, and thanks for the suggestions.
